Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I knew it had been a while since I last posted but I didn't realize it had been almost two months!  What is happening with the time?  It seems to be flying by even though I don't have the perfect plan in place!

The Perfect Plan?  Does that even exist? I unfortunately don't think I have come to terms with the fact that HELL NO it does not!  Not only does it not exist but nothing will ever always go exactly as planned!  So no matter how much information you look up, no matter how much planning you do, you will never have the perfect plan.

You know, I have been spending a lot of time over the past several months...well actually...probably my entire life trying to put together the perfect plan...doing research, developing a plan, trying it for a day, doing more research, reading about this and that, typing stuff up because I won't remember it, developing an updated plan, and the vicious cycle continues....



and on...


and on...

not really ever getting anything done other than reading, research and developing and redeveloping in the attempt to get to the perfect plan.

Do you know what I see?  Two months later I am not in much of a different place!  An amazing man once said, 

          "Everyone lives, not consciously, but unconsciously, as if the next moment or the one 
           after that were more important than this moment.

          Ironically the next moment does not even exist except as a thought in your head…"  -Eckhart Tolle

Now when I heard these words, they resonated with me.  Am I too busy planning? Not busy enough living?  Am I living unconsciously and not consciously?  Truly, the next moment does not exist yet and may never exist and I have spent most of my life, planning for something that is only a thought.  

I don't know about you...but that seems like a big waste of my time!  Someone once told me that imperfect action beats a "perfect" plan any day....I think I am going to need to sit on that for a little bit and...well...probably start making a plan to stop planning and start doing!


Change doesn't come from the sky.  It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama


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