Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 101 - celebrate life

For those of you who know me, over the last five years I have suffered from recurring intermittent symptoms and pain that is sometimes paralyzing.  Well today happens to be one of those days - I woke up at 4:45am in so much pain it hurt to just lay there, even breathing hurt - not a fun time!  Ironically, today is Celebrate Life Day in my mentor group.

Now, I'll be honest, I went to bed excited about Celebrate Life Day, but I woke up so sad that I wasn't going to be able to celebrate anything because I hurt so much.  Then at 6:15am when I had no choice but to get up and out of bed to get my little girl ready for school, as I was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to get prepare for standing up and walking, I decided I was going to figure out how to celebrate life even in pain.  I remembered that I could decide to be sad about my circumstance and mope around the house depressed OR I could get excited about life and accomplish whatever it is that I GET to accomplish today.

I realized that I am going to have to deal with these days for the rest of my life, unexpectedly, unplanned and sometimes on days when that is the last thing I need.  Some days, like today, it is going to be so bad that what I have planned for the day is just not going happen AND THAT'S OK!!!  I can decide to suffer through it like I have in the past or I can decide to live through it - and today - I choose TO LIVE THROUGH IT!!!

My plans for today may need to change, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the HECK out of today, even if I do need help doing just about everything.  So today couldn't be a more perfect day to have a hugely bad pain day and Celebrate Life Day because at least I do get to have that choice!

Celebrate life today people!

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