Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DAY 77 - another pound!

I am stoked!  Yesterday I started my run thinking I wanted to try to run the full 30 minutes without stopping. I know this Jeff Galloway guy has trained for many marathons and suggests the run/walk ratio, but I keep stressing about being able to run the distance on long runs and especially the day of is I am only training to run for 2 minutes at a time.  I knew that running the full 30 minutes would mean actually running the full 2 miles plus a little.  After my .85 mile warm-up I quickly started to let Peattie into my head telling me that I couldn't do it - that it would be too hard.  Then I hit the 15 minute mark and I was a little over a mile and I said just do five minutes more...then I was at 20 minutes and I said you can do 5 minutes more just do it...then my friend Heather called and, yes, I answered the phone while running.  She offered to call me back but I knew this last 10 minutes were going to be the hardest so I needed a distraction - "keep talking" I told her.

I finished the 30 minutes and was a little over 2 miles!!!!!! No stopping, not even for stretching!  I am so excited!  What's better - I lost another pound!!  This is just what I needed to get inspired to keep going and work harder.

Today my plan is to do Hip Hop Abs and Insanity or P90X and then tonight a right before I settle down for the night do yoga....

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