Friday, July 6, 2012

DAY 39 - sometimes it's just hard...

I have to be honest this week I have struggled every day with getting up and definitely exercising.  I feel like if I hadn't already signed up for the race and bought plane tickets that I might be slacking off.  Don't get me wrong I have run on all of my run days and exercised on Monday which is a non-running day.  I did take Wednesday off to be with the family all day even though I know I could have worked out in the morning.  Those Big Ole But are starting to creep back in!  But I a tired...But I have so many other things to do...But there isn't enough time...But, but, but, but, BUT!  I can NOT let my BUT keep me from doing my best even though it's big one!  ;o)

Having said that..I guess that means that I need to work out at some point today.  It's not a running day, but I finally have a key to the gym again so I should take advantage of that!I really would like a run and work out buddy, so if anybody reading this is from Clifton Park, NY please comment me below and we can hook up for a work out date.

On another note, I also have been slacking a little in the food arena.  Not too bad though because we almost never have junk food in the house and Wednesday at the Fourth of July Carnival I found a fruit smoothie bar (with no line of course!) and grilled chicken and veggie skewers.  So really it isn't that bad, but I just haven't been eating all of the veggies and fruit that I know I should be eating.  I don't quit though like I have done in the past, I don't think, "Well I already messed up today so I might as well wait and start tomorrow!" No I am not doing that!  I am conscious and aware of everything I decide to eat and sometimes, I say, "You know it's ok that I have this one bite of chocolate today."  I just don't say that several times a day like I used!  So I guess overall I am practicing to eat and live a better, healthier lifestyle.  It's something that I will be practicing I guess for the rest of my life.  I am not a failure because I am not doing it perfectly which is what I struggled with before.  I am just human and that's what makes me perfect is that I am not giving up.

Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky.  It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama

P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below!  I would love your support in this challenging journey.  Just make sure to keep it positive please.  Thanks!


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