Ok, so it definitely takes some getting used to when adjusting to a new routine! With the children being home I am trying to get used to tending to them all day making sure to spend some time with them and still get everything done that I want to get done. I checked my June Intentions list a few days ago and I realized that I truly only completed one of the four extra intentions. So I have been trying to get some work done on the others. I still have yet to master the art of NOT-multitasking (I am sitting here writing this as I eat my lunch and chat with my husband!)
I have been trying my best to live by the philosophy that when making choices (and I literally every choice, even something as simple as checking Facebook or writing on this blog) that I think is this going to help me achieve the goals or intentions of the day, week, month, year or long time? And if the answer is no then I try my best to choose not to spend my time on it. It's very hard to get used to because I am so used to just do everything and usually for other people. I have never felt ok with choosing me, so this is a new way of life. I have to say I have enjoyed dreaming....and dreaming BIG about all of things I want to do with this life. I know that every day is a blessing and I don't want to waste any more days...just surviving! I don't want to lay in bed when I'm in my 70's wishing I had done LIFE differently. I want to go to sleep every night knowing that I made the best of that day...I want to get busy LIVING! So...until next time...
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
This is my journey to being the best ME I can be.What I have is just too small for me.I know I am capable of making BIG things happen.I have a huge heart and can be so selfless.Now I need to do something with that.I have a dream and am working on a plan of getting there that starts today!Someday I will be traveling and living in other countries helping people all around the world.For once in my life I don't feel lost, I have a direction.I promise to make something of this life I've been given.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
DAY 25 - Finally a rest day...
So as you know I started training for the Disney Marathon this week and today I have to say I am very happy to have a day off from running. My entire body is sore, which is actually a pretty cool feeling. I plan to do something to continue with my chain of exercise. I know that we typically should have a day or two off, but I am a creature of habit and if I skip one day for no reason other than to skip or have an off-exercise day then it will just be that much harder for me tomorrow. And tomorrow...I have to run 3 MILES!!!
I am feeling a little overwhelmed with starting two business, training for a marathon, being a stay-at-home mom and wife and still keep my sanity (aka. have some ME time - which is always the first to get cut!) and still blog about both my stamping business (click here to read my Sassy Stampin' blog!) and my personal journey to being the best person I can be. So I have decided that I have to streamline the blogs to be quick and easy for me...well, and I guess you in the end! I am going to limit myself to 15 minutes in the early morning per blog.
So the first thing is trying to figure out what are the key pieces that I feel I need to include in this blog and of course the first thing that comes to my mind is my goals. Now I have some smaller, monthly goals, some annual goals and of course a few BHAG's (Big *Honkin' Audacious Goal) that which include of course my marathon training.
Now this is one of my goals/intentions for June, so I am going to take a little bit more than 15 minutes on this, but let's start out with my BHAG as those are the ones that I am most excited about and then I will add the other ones tomorrow and the next day. Every goal should be put in writing and what better place to put it than here, for the whole world to see and watch - what better what to have accountability! I can't let the world down right?
BHAG, described by Big Daddy of the SHM Club as the home runs of our goals, are the Life Changing Goals. Goals that if accomplished could change everything, inspiring us to push beyond out current limitations. Everyone must have at least one of these in their life as it will be a game changer! So here are mine:
BHAG Idea #1: Run a marathon - Truth be told, this was actually not something that would have made it to my BHAG list. I had planned to put a Half on, but the opportunity arose and I said YES because I knew it would be a life changer. I cannot tell you what just saying yes has done for me. Granted, I am only three days into training and I know there are going to be really hard days and days that I am not going to have as much excitement and drive to make this happen, but I feel like a different person. I feel like the me I knew I could be and I can NOT wait to cross that finish line and prove to anyone that every questioned or ever doubted my ability to accomplish this huge challenge that I could do it and I DID do it! I know that if, let me correct that, WHEN I accomplish this goal it will change my life and my entire direction and I will be a completely different person that Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 when I agreed to do this!
BHAG Idea #2: Start a successful Mary Kay & Stampin' Up Business - I did technically "start" my stamping business in January, but the key word here in this sentence is successful. I would like to get to a point that I can meet my sales, recruitment and new customer goals to earn the grand vacation every year with very little effort, because I have a strong customer base, consistent and diverse creativity opportunities available to my customers and great customer service. As for Mary Kay, again, another reason why Tuesday, 6/19/2012 changed my life as that is the day that I agreed to become a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. I am very fortunate that I know and LOVE their Body Care products and would not ever buy any other company's as I have tried many and these are the ones that I always go back to. I am even more fortunate that I get to go on this journey with one of my favorite and most inspiring person I know - Mary Cotton Richard. If ever you want to travel and change the world with someone - she is someone to do it with for sure! (I am also secretly hoping that she will partner with me for my BHAG #5, but she doesn't know it yet!)
BHAG Idea #3: Take a (preferably month long, at least one week) family trip to Latin America, Russia or Africa to volunteer with Cross Cultural Solutions - this is actually a goal of mine to do every year at some point when I make enough money from the two above businesses (so if you are interested in beauty or skin products or crafting products (paper and fabric) for yourself or as a gift for a loved one please comment below and I will hook you up!). I would ideally like to do this next year either in April over Spring Break, in June just after graduation or over the summer before my oldest heads off to college. The kids want to go to Disney one last time as a family next year instead (It's not like we won't ever go again as a family, but while my oldest is still living with us.), but I really think that this would be a great send off for each of the kids when they graduate. Fun vs. a Moving trip...post your comments on this one below please...I would love your feedback!
BHAG Idea #4: Move to West Coast - this is something I have thought about pretty much all of my life, which was just reinforced in 2002 when I went with my daughter to Colorado and just loved it over there and then even more ever since May 2008 when I went with my husband on a work trip to LA. Up until a few weeks ago when I started my mentoring group, I thought this is something that will never really happen but I would really love it to. Now, I KNOW it will happen, someday hopefully sooner than later. I have this vision of my dream home and it doesn't fit on the east coast, it only fits out west, so I will be there...someday.
BHAG #5: Start an International Non-Profit Organization for Adults around building their self-esteem, self-worth and bringing joy and positivity into their daily lives so they can become the best person they can be -this club will inspire and encourage people to lead positive, happy, loving and caring lives always striving to be their best, rather than allowing self-hatred, criticism and negativity to control their lives as so many of us do. I am going to travel the world helping people lead better lives - that is what I am here to do! I know it because I can feel it and it feels right.
Wow! That's a lot! Yet I know I can do it. It will take time and determination, but I know I can do it! I need some support so if anything above interests you or is something you have done or are planning please subscribe to your right with your email. I am going to put this as it's own page for a quick reference for me...and you so please be sure to check it out and leave a comment and let's chat!
Now the important part is picking one to focus on right now. This is actually hard and very simple at the same time. It's basically down to the first two because I have already signed up for the marathon and I have already agreed to start up a Stampin' Up! business and a Mary Kay business. The marathon, however, has a set date that, since I registered for it, I can't change. The businesses can be on my terms, so....
Yup, you got it! My first one to tackle is the Walt Disney World Marathon on January 13, 2012!!!
So now I have a few questions for you:
1. Can you mentor me or give me tips or advice for any of these goals?
2. Have you done what I want to do?
3. Any thoughts on what will be my biggest obstacle(s)?
4. Any thoughts or suggestions on how I will have to change to make this happen?
I apologize for this being so long, but now I have accomplished almost all steps of one of my goals for June...check back for the break down tomorrow!
I am feeling a little overwhelmed with starting two business, training for a marathon, being a stay-at-home mom and wife and still keep my sanity (aka. have some ME time - which is always the first to get cut!) and still blog about both my stamping business (click here to read my Sassy Stampin' blog!) and my personal journey to being the best person I can be. So I have decided that I have to streamline the blogs to be quick and easy for me...well, and I guess you in the end! I am going to limit myself to 15 minutes in the early morning per blog.
So the first thing is trying to figure out what are the key pieces that I feel I need to include in this blog and of course the first thing that comes to my mind is my goals. Now I have some smaller, monthly goals, some annual goals and of course a few BHAG's (Big *Honkin' Audacious Goal) that which include of course my marathon training.
Now this is one of my goals/intentions for June, so I am going to take a little bit more than 15 minutes on this, but let's start out with my BHAG as those are the ones that I am most excited about and then I will add the other ones tomorrow and the next day. Every goal should be put in writing and what better place to put it than here, for the whole world to see and watch - what better what to have accountability! I can't let the world down right?
BHAG, described by Big Daddy of the SHM Club as the home runs of our goals, are the Life Changing Goals. Goals that if accomplished could change everything, inspiring us to push beyond out current limitations. Everyone must have at least one of these in their life as it will be a game changer! So here are mine:
BHAG Idea #1: Run a marathon - Truth be told, this was actually not something that would have made it to my BHAG list. I had planned to put a Half on, but the opportunity arose and I said YES because I knew it would be a life changer. I cannot tell you what just saying yes has done for me. Granted, I am only three days into training and I know there are going to be really hard days and days that I am not going to have as much excitement and drive to make this happen, but I feel like a different person. I feel like the me I knew I could be and I can NOT wait to cross that finish line and prove to anyone that every questioned or ever doubted my ability to accomplish this huge challenge that I could do it and I DID do it! I know that if, let me correct that, WHEN I accomplish this goal it will change my life and my entire direction and I will be a completely different person that Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 when I agreed to do this!
BHAG Idea #2: Start a successful Mary Kay & Stampin' Up Business - I did technically "start" my stamping business in January, but the key word here in this sentence is successful. I would like to get to a point that I can meet my sales, recruitment and new customer goals to earn the grand vacation every year with very little effort, because I have a strong customer base, consistent and diverse creativity opportunities available to my customers and great customer service. As for Mary Kay, again, another reason why Tuesday, 6/19/2012 changed my life as that is the day that I agreed to become a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. I am very fortunate that I know and LOVE their Body Care products and would not ever buy any other company's as I have tried many and these are the ones that I always go back to. I am even more fortunate that I get to go on this journey with one of my favorite and most inspiring person I know - Mary Cotton Richard. If ever you want to travel and change the world with someone - she is someone to do it with for sure! (I am also secretly hoping that she will partner with me for my BHAG #5, but she doesn't know it yet!)
BHAG Idea #3: Take a (preferably month long, at least one week) family trip to Latin America, Russia or Africa to volunteer with Cross Cultural Solutions - this is actually a goal of mine to do every year at some point when I make enough money from the two above businesses (so if you are interested in beauty or skin products or crafting products (paper and fabric) for yourself or as a gift for a loved one please comment below and I will hook you up!). I would ideally like to do this next year either in April over Spring Break, in June just after graduation or over the summer before my oldest heads off to college. The kids want to go to Disney one last time as a family next year instead (It's not like we won't ever go again as a family, but while my oldest is still living with us.), but I really think that this would be a great send off for each of the kids when they graduate. Fun vs. a Moving trip...post your comments on this one below please...I would love your feedback!
BHAG Idea #4: Move to West Coast - this is something I have thought about pretty much all of my life, which was just reinforced in 2002 when I went with my daughter to Colorado and just loved it over there and then even more ever since May 2008 when I went with my husband on a work trip to LA. Up until a few weeks ago when I started my mentoring group, I thought this is something that will never really happen but I would really love it to. Now, I KNOW it will happen, someday hopefully sooner than later. I have this vision of my dream home and it doesn't fit on the east coast, it only fits out west, so I will be there...someday.
BHAG #5: Start an International Non-Profit Organization for Adults around building their self-esteem, self-worth and bringing joy and positivity into their daily lives so they can become the best person they can be -this club will inspire and encourage people to lead positive, happy, loving and caring lives always striving to be their best, rather than allowing self-hatred, criticism and negativity to control their lives as so many of us do. I am going to travel the world helping people lead better lives - that is what I am here to do! I know it because I can feel it and it feels right.
Wow! That's a lot! Yet I know I can do it. It will take time and determination, but I know I can do it! I need some support so if anything above interests you or is something you have done or are planning please subscribe to your right with your email. I am going to put this as it's own page for a quick reference for me...and you so please be sure to check it out and leave a comment and let's chat!
Now the important part is picking one to focus on right now. This is actually hard and very simple at the same time. It's basically down to the first two because I have already signed up for the marathon and I have already agreed to start up a Stampin' Up! business and a Mary Kay business. The marathon, however, has a set date that, since I registered for it, I can't change. The businesses can be on my terms, so....
Yup, you got it! My first one to tackle is the Walt Disney World Marathon on January 13, 2012!!!
So now I have a few questions for you:
1. Can you mentor me or give me tips or advice for any of these goals?
2. Have you done what I want to do?
3. Any thoughts on what will be my biggest obstacle(s)?
4. Any thoughts or suggestions on how I will have to change to make this happen?
I apologize for this being so long, but now I have accomplished almost all steps of one of my goals for June...check back for the break down tomorrow!
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
DAY 22 - the world is aligning to give me what I need to achieve what I want!
So where do I even begin today? I feel this same way every time I sit down to write on my blog. There is so much I can say and yet so little time to say it. I have to say that today is a day that has and will change my life! As you know I have been trying to get back into an exercise routine so that I can back on my track to healthiness. Well yesterday I watched an old mentoring session from my mentor group where Pamela said any opportunity that arises that is in line with your intentions or goals make sure you say yest to it no matter what. I tell you this for two reasons, the first is because I truly believe this is awesome advice. The second reason is...
Today I was asked by one of my best friends to run a MARATHON in WALT DISNEY WORLD in JANUARY!!! Yes, as in seven months away. For those you reading this that don't know me let me just let you in on my world...
1. I can't even run a mile yet! I just started doing a 30/30/30 run/walk program where I run for 30 seconds and walk for 30 seconds for 30 minutes and I literally have done it maybe 5 times since the beginning of the month. WHAT IF I can't run a marathon by the time of the race seven months away?
2. I left my job in November and my husband has been working three days a week since February until last week when they got bumped back up to five days so we have very little play money. Luckily we do have some money in savings, but other than that we don't have much extra money for luxuries. WHAT IF I can't afford the race fee, plane ticket, hotel and food for four days?
3. Our family LOVES Disney. Growing up we went to Disney every few years and I have attempted as best I could to continue this with my own children. We haven't been there since 2009 and next year is my oldest daughters last year at home with us so we were planning to go next year (assuming we could save enough money). This truly is my favorite place to visit as it is the HAPPIEST place to be!
But guess what? Those first two are "What if's...?" I have played them out in my head and I have realized that I can and will survive no matter what happens and I am forgetting about it. I am not delaying action for the perfect situation. I am not waiting until I can run a marathon before I sign up for one. I am becoming who I have to be in order to live the life I want. And I am turning my "what if...?" into a "what if...!" with a raised eyebrow. What if it works out! What if I succeed! What if its perfect!
So, today I registered for my very first marathon only seven months away even though I can't even run a mile yet. I feel like I am about to get on the scariest and most exhilarating roller coaster! This is going to be the best ride ever! I can't tell if I want to cry or throw up and whether it's because of fear or excitement!
Another very cool thing...I was also if I would want to share my journey with Insoul Digital Magazine in every issue until I do my race. HECK YES!!! A HUGE thank you to Amanda Dale! (Amanda - If you read this, please comment below and include the site for your digital magazine!)
I have already put a few things in place (can you tell I am super excited to make this happen?) I plan to do Hal Higdon's Marathon Training for Novice Supreme (modified a little because there is no way I am going to be able to run 3 miles tomorrow!) I have two businesses up and going to help me afford it all. I even have the clothes I am (and hopefully all three of us are) going to wear! Pamela always says dream in full color so...Yes, I am dreaming BIG and in FULL COLOR! Here is our top...
Today I was asked by one of my best friends to run a MARATHON in WALT DISNEY WORLD in JANUARY!!! Yes, as in seven months away. For those you reading this that don't know me let me just let you in on my world...
1. I can't even run a mile yet! I just started doing a 30/30/30 run/walk program where I run for 30 seconds and walk for 30 seconds for 30 minutes and I literally have done it maybe 5 times since the beginning of the month. WHAT IF I can't run a marathon by the time of the race seven months away?
2. I left my job in November and my husband has been working three days a week since February until last week when they got bumped back up to five days so we have very little play money. Luckily we do have some money in savings, but other than that we don't have much extra money for luxuries. WHAT IF I can't afford the race fee, plane ticket, hotel and food for four days?
3. Our family LOVES Disney. Growing up we went to Disney every few years and I have attempted as best I could to continue this with my own children. We haven't been there since 2009 and next year is my oldest daughters last year at home with us so we were planning to go next year (assuming we could save enough money). This truly is my favorite place to visit as it is the HAPPIEST place to be!
But guess what? Those first two are "What if's...?" I have played them out in my head and I have realized that I can and will survive no matter what happens and I am forgetting about it. I am not delaying action for the perfect situation. I am not waiting until I can run a marathon before I sign up for one. I am becoming who I have to be in order to live the life I want. And I am turning my "what if...?" into a "what if...!" with a raised eyebrow. What if it works out! What if I succeed! What if its perfect!
So, today I registered for my very first marathon only seven months away even though I can't even run a mile yet. I feel like I am about to get on the scariest and most exhilarating roller coaster! This is going to be the best ride ever! I can't tell if I want to cry or throw up and whether it's because of fear or excitement!
Another very cool thing...I was also if I would want to share my journey with Insoul Digital Magazine in every issue until I do my race. HECK YES!!! A HUGE thank you to Amanda Dale! (Amanda - If you read this, please comment below and include the site for your digital magazine!)
I have already put a few things in place (can you tell I am super excited to make this happen?) I plan to do Hal Higdon's Marathon Training for Novice Supreme (modified a little because there is no way I am going to be able to run 3 miles tomorrow!) I have two businesses up and going to help me afford it all. I even have the clothes I am (and hopefully all three of us are) going to wear! Pamela always says dream in full color so...Yes, I am dreaming BIG and in FULL COLOR! Here is our top...

and here are our bottoms! Now we just need to find the perfect red polka dot bow headband that won't cause wind resistance ;o)
Food though, that is the one thing I haven't figured out yet A few years ago I stopped being able to eat most meat, now I am a selectatarian (?) - I only meat if and when I can stomach it, which isn't very often. I never learned the best way to eat to ensure I am getting all of the proper nutrition, but I definitely need to get it under control now because my body is going to need all the energy it can get! If you have any advice or tips, PLEASE leave them below in a comment! I will take any and all information possible on this subject!
I can't wait to see your encouraging words!
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Friday, June 15, 2012
DAY 18 - Back to Business...
Hello friends! I attempted to write yesterday, but I just had such good momentum going that I just kept going and ran out of time. I will someday master the art of living a full and intentional life and still take time to blog as this is sort of like my accountability and helps me keep going just in case someone is reading consistently {hi DAN ;o) }.
So I am going to make this as quick as I can, so I can keep my momentum going for the day. I was still in a pretty foul mood yesterday. Chatting with the other ladies in the mentor group was helpful, but not quite enough to get me out of the funk. One thing stuck with me though that one of them said...she mentioned how her toddler is learning how to walk just as I am learning how to lead an intentional life. Her toddler keeps falling down and falling down but every time she just gets back up and tries again because she is just learning and if she quits she will never walk. Just as I should do...keep getting back up and trying again and trying to go a little further and get back up and try again and again and again until I am doing it successfully. That stuck with me and at one point I did get up and just start "doing" and was able to get a handful of stuff done which felt good, even though I still was just miserable.
So I went to bed with the thought that I have to have a better day today...and here we are. I have been trying to wake up earlier, when my husband gets up so I can back on track with my exercise - it has been seven months since I left my trainer and I have done almost no exercise during that time. My struggle right now is that I am so not a morning person! Most mornings I just can't force myself out of bed, but watching an older mentoring session last night I heard something that rang true for me...nobody can make me get out of bed, I have to want it...I have to make the decision that that is what I am going to do. Here we are two days in a row and I have gotten up earlier and I have ran, stretched and done planks all before I have to wake my little sleeping beauty! HYFR is all I have to say! I am so very stoked!
Before I head off to conquer the world of intentional living I wanted to mention that hubby and I are thinking BIG. We are imagining ourselves at our very best; what do we look like, where are we (NOT in Clifton Park, NY I can guarantee you that!!!), what are we doing, who are we with and how do we feel. We are both thinking about that individually and we are taking an hour tonight and just writing it down and sharing it with each other and then we are starting immediately on making that some true and THAT'S what this journey is about. I have been thinking about it for month now and I am not waiting any longer to be in the right place and have the right circumstance - I am becoming the person I have to be in order to live the life that I want! A HUGE thank you to SHM Mentor Pamela Crim!
Oh and if you haven't yet, make sure you watch this video and you can see where my inspiration is coming from...
Take care and remember...
So I am going to make this as quick as I can, so I can keep my momentum going for the day. I was still in a pretty foul mood yesterday. Chatting with the other ladies in the mentor group was helpful, but not quite enough to get me out of the funk. One thing stuck with me though that one of them said...she mentioned how her toddler is learning how to walk just as I am learning how to lead an intentional life. Her toddler keeps falling down and falling down but every time she just gets back up and tries again because she is just learning and if she quits she will never walk. Just as I should do...keep getting back up and trying again and trying to go a little further and get back up and try again and again and again until I am doing it successfully. That stuck with me and at one point I did get up and just start "doing" and was able to get a handful of stuff done which felt good, even though I still was just miserable.
So I went to bed with the thought that I have to have a better day today...and here we are. I have been trying to wake up earlier, when my husband gets up so I can back on track with my exercise - it has been seven months since I left my trainer and I have done almost no exercise during that time. My struggle right now is that I am so not a morning person! Most mornings I just can't force myself out of bed, but watching an older mentoring session last night I heard something that rang true for me...nobody can make me get out of bed, I have to want it...I have to make the decision that that is what I am going to do. Here we are two days in a row and I have gotten up earlier and I have ran, stretched and done planks all before I have to wake my little sleeping beauty! HYFR is all I have to say! I am so very stoked!
Before I head off to conquer the world of intentional living I wanted to mention that hubby and I are thinking BIG. We are imagining ourselves at our very best; what do we look like, where are we (NOT in Clifton Park, NY I can guarantee you that!!!), what are we doing, who are we with and how do we feel. We are both thinking about that individually and we are taking an hour tonight and just writing it down and sharing it with each other and then we are starting immediately on making that some true and THAT'S what this journey is about. I have been thinking about it for month now and I am not waiting any longer to be in the right place and have the right circumstance - I am becoming the person I have to be in order to live the life that I want! A HUGE thank you to SHM Mentor Pamela Crim!
Oh and if you haven't yet, make sure you watch this video and you can see where my inspiration is coming from...
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
DAY 15 - What's the funk...
...about? Yeah so then there are days like today! So it actually started out well and I was excited about all that I was going to accomplish today. I woke up at 5:40am, thanks to a wake up call from my Big Mama Amanda from my mentor group and I ran 2.5 miles (while watching the Wonder Woman video by Smokin' Hot Mama Mentor Pamela Crim), did some stretching and of course some planks. Oh and showered...all before getting my youngest up at 6:55am! So I felt pretty excited about the day even though I felt wiped out. I got Keira up, ready for school and drove her to school.
When I came home I sat down in the big, comfy chair (FIRST MISTAKE!) to have my breakfast and write on my blogs. The last time I looked at the clock it was 8:38 and according to my daily routine I had 50 more minutes until my next hour time blocked specifically for something else...the next thing I know my oldest, Brianna is waking me up to try something she had cooked..IT WAS 12:30PM!!! What the heck happened??? Apparently I completely passed out. Now I know that I was really tired for some reason, but seriously?
Needless to say I woke up completely in a funk and couldn't get out of it for the rest of the day. I was so upset that I fell asleep and wasted three hours of the day. What is the point of even waking up early to exercise when I just took a nap for THREE HOURS! I could not get focused and was just ticked off the rest of the day.
I guess that needs to go on my never-ending to-do list - figure out how to get myself out of a funk when these things happen. Here's hoping...nope...PLANNING for a better tomorrow!
When I came home I sat down in the big, comfy chair (FIRST MISTAKE!) to have my breakfast and write on my blogs. The last time I looked at the clock it was 8:38 and according to my daily routine I had 50 more minutes until my next hour time blocked specifically for something else...the next thing I know my oldest, Brianna is waking me up to try something she had cooked..IT WAS 12:30PM!!! What the heck happened??? Apparently I completely passed out. Now I know that I was really tired for some reason, but seriously?
Needless to say I woke up completely in a funk and couldn't get out of it for the rest of the day. I was so upset that I fell asleep and wasted three hours of the day. What is the point of even waking up early to exercise when I just took a nap for THREE HOURS! I could not get focused and was just ticked off the rest of the day.
I guess that needs to go on my never-ending to-do list - figure out how to get myself out of a funk when these things happen. Here's hoping...nope...PLANNING for a better tomorrow!
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Monday, June 11, 2012
DAY 14 - Focused...
Hello friends! So I have been missing for a few days...at least in blog world anyway. I have actually had several days of being really focused and getting busy from the time I wake until I am exhausted. As I am trying to get my life focused there are so many little things that I just want to get done and taken care of and some are things that keep getting me off track. Some of the things have been in line with what I am hoping to accomplish and I will update you below.
I watched my live mentoring session on Thursday (with Brianna!) and really learned a lot about picking five intentions each month and making my choices about whether or not to do something based on whether they are on task with those intentions or not. I have found that I am asking myself over and over again, "Is this helping me work towards my intentions?" or before I even choose to do something asking that question and about 70% of the time my answer is no and I try to refocus. I found that I kept forgetting what my five were so I decided to print them out and paste them throughout the house in order to remember what my intentions are. Here is the print out...
The other key part from that mentoring session was learning to turn completely "off". Something I don't do very well at all! So I am going to have to set specific time to do this, like this afternoon when my youngest and I hang out at the pool once she gets home from school!
Now this made me think about having the five of us make a list each of five things we want to do during the summer so that we can make sure we do all of them. This will help me with planning our summer activities, but it will also help the kids learn how to set goals and cross them off as they achieve them. Below are the goals that we came up with. We will be putting them up in our rooms tonight!
1. Go camping
2. Establish a routine of exercise 6 days a week
3. Star gaze and picnic with the family
4. Read at least two book (A Million Miles in a Thousand Years & Why I Am a Buddhist)
5. Run in a race that will benefit a person/organization in need of help.

One of the other challenges that we were given last week from my mentor group, the Smokin Hot Mama Club, was to not break the chain...so I have made a calendar (actually six) of things that I want to make sure I do pretty much daily. I have printed it out and it is up on my wall next to my weekly schedule so I can put an X in every day that I do each of these things and make a chain. I will do my best to keep my chain going and not break it!
I watched my live mentoring session on Thursday (with Brianna!) and really learned a lot about picking five intentions each month and making my choices about whether or not to do something based on whether they are on task with those intentions or not. I have found that I am asking myself over and over again, "Is this helping me work towards my intentions?" or before I even choose to do something asking that question and about 70% of the time my answer is no and I try to refocus. I found that I kept forgetting what my five were so I decided to print them out and paste them throughout the house in order to remember what my intentions are. Here is the print out...
The other key part from that mentoring session was learning to turn completely "off". Something I don't do very well at all! So I am going to have to set specific time to do this, like this afternoon when my youngest and I hang out at the pool once she gets home from school!
Now this made me think about having the five of us make a list each of five things we want to do during the summer so that we can make sure we do all of them. This will help me with planning our summer activities, but it will also help the kids learn how to set goals and cross them off as they achieve them. Below are the goals that we came up with. We will be putting them up in our rooms tonight!
2. Establish a routine of exercise 6 days a week
3. Star gaze and picnic with the family
4. Read at least two book (A Million Miles in a Thousand Years & Why I Am a Buddhist)
5. Run in a race that will benefit a person/organization in need of help.
One of the other challenges that we were given last week from my mentor group, the Smokin Hot Mama Club, was to not break the chain...so I have made a calendar (actually six) of things that I want to make sure I do pretty much daily. I have printed it out and it is up on my wall next to my weekly schedule so I can put an X in every day that I do each of these things and make a chain. I will do my best to keep my chain going and not break it!
This also made me think about another habit that I am hoping to begin and have the children begin as well - eat a rainbow a day. So I have found and printed out two resources that will help...
The first thing is a little chart for everyone in our family. My favorite part of this chart is seeing what new fruit and veggie they want to try and then getting those to try!
This is a Rainbow Wheel for each of us to use each day. We will put an "x" through each color that we eat with the goal of completing our circle chain by the end of the day. So when we go to have a meal or snack we can look through this and figure out what color we are missing!
I think that's enough for today. As you can see from my chain calendar I will be attempting to update my blog every day, so don't forget to come back tomorrow to see my progress!
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
DAY NINE - Off Day
Wow I am having an off day! I am completely burnt out. I have been working on that scrapbook as it was due last night. Everyone loved it, by the way, so that was rewarding and the young man who ordered it bought me flowers for all of my hard work. How sweet! What a good kid he is. I am just glad that it is over and done with. I am creatively burnt out and I have to prep cards for a meeting tonight and another set for a meeting on Sunday and a third set for my card class on Saturday! I need a break and time to regroup and refocus...
I guess I am just going to get my butt up and get going...maybe I will start with taking a shower, though late in the morning, it might be what I need to get this brain and body restarted. One thing I know for sure...I am going to get off this computer and focus on doing one thing! Stop multitasking! Pick one thing and just do it!
Here's to getting off my arse and pushing through this "off" day!
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
I guess I am just going to get my butt up and get going...maybe I will start with taking a shower, though late in the morning, it might be what I need to get this brain and body restarted. One thing I know for sure...I am going to get off this computer and focus on doing one thing! Stop multitasking! Pick one thing and just do it!
Here's to getting off my arse and pushing through this "off" day!
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
DAY SIX - I'm taking my life back...
Hello friends! I'm just going to be honest with you...I always have a hard time trying to figure out how to start out my blog each day and sometimes even what to say. Being a Type A and the fact that I don't have a schedule of when to talk about what and a template to use when posting has thrown me for a loop.
Let me start off today by taking a moment to think about my brother and his family. I received a text from him last night that their dog, Minnie, was no longer with us. Minnie has been in their family for over 10 years and was such an adorable little girl, but had been suffering from AIHA for a few years now. I can't imagine what they are going through right now so I would like to take a few minutes again (as I did yesterday) to think about them and wish that I could be there for them during this time.....................
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Let me start off today by taking a moment to think about my brother and his family. I received a text from him last night that their dog, Minnie, was no longer with us. Minnie has been in their family for over 10 years and was such an adorable little girl, but had been suffering from AIHA for a few years now. I can't imagine what they are going through right now so I would like to take a few minutes again (as I did yesterday) to think about them and wish that I could be there for them during this time.....................
Sometimes it's just hard to stop for a few minutes and just feel the feelings you are having...
Now to move onto my journey...I took some time out yesterday from the scrapbook that I am doing for those awesome students, to work on keeping the momentum going on my new journey. I watched one of the May Mentoring with Pamela sessions that I thought would really help me that was about finding your passion. I watched it in bed lying next to my husband hoping that he would listen and maybe start thinking about it himself as well because he keeps saying that he doesn't know what he wants to do. Apparently he was listening but he didn't stop to think about the answers, which was the key to the whole session, but this blog isn't about him. It's about me and yes I took the time to answer those three key questions. You know it really wasn't that hard because I kind of already knew them and knew that's what I have been missing. That's part of the reason I decided that I needed to go on this journey to what Pamela calls our BIG life - and rightly so. As you can see in my blog description I completely agree that I am meant for something BIG.
Now to move onto my gratefulness, I am grateful that I am fortunate enough to know what my passion is and to have the drive to do something with it. I know it's going to take time because there are things that I probably should have done over the past 15-20 years that I chose not to do. I was trapped in a life of just going with the flow, just coasting along and hoping to get by without too many difficult challenges, but I always felt...lonely and unsettled, like I wasn't where I was supposed to be. So once a year, sometimes more often, sometimes less often, I would become obsessed with changing something hoping that it would make me feel "at home" and not so empty or lost. Sometimes I was able to buy that car I wanted so badly..or buy the house that I grew up in...or move to that new apartment or new town...or have another baby; all thinking that it would fill that emptiness that I always felt inside. That emptiness that I now realize I began feeling when I lost my beloved grandmother, Sarah, when I was eight years old.
I remember the day very clearly. I remember finding out that she had passed like it was yesterday and yet everything after hearing those words is a complete blur. She was my rock. She was my support. She thought the world of me and that I could never do wrong. She loved me unconditionally. She believed in me. When I lost her - I lost all of that. I felt so lost...for over 25 years. And yet as I sit here writing this I realize that I didn't know how sad I still am about losing her and losing that piece of my life. I felt like I lost my core, my center...and THAT'S what I have been searching for all of my life. That's what I have been trying to fill up and replace.
I have been doing it all wrong though. I have been trying to fill up that emptiness with material things and people. Sure, in the beginning it always felt like it worked because of the newness and excitement of what it was - a new apartment, a new baby, a new car, a new relationship; but that newness, that excitement always wore off eventually and then that empty feeling came back. I can't keep doing this to myself or my kids. They need to see my shine. They need to see the real me, the person deep down who has passion and a desire to change the world - and not just the desire but the drive. I know I am capable of it, but the first step is going to be finding that person again and allowing her to just be who she is. Allowing her to cry when she is sad or happy. Allowing her to accept that she isn't perfect, but by God she tried as hard as she could and that's all that matters. Allowing her to dream big and giving her the encouragement and support she needs to make it happen. Loving her and accepting her for EVERY thing that she is because that's what makes her...her; and that's what makes her so unique and beautiful.
So here is to taking my life back and filling that emptiness with first, forgiving myself, and then accepting myself as I am, believing in myself and loving myself unconditionally. I will leave you today with two quotes that I found that really resonate with me:
“I don't know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'Well, if I'd known better I'd have done better,' that's all. So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.' If we all hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror because we have the mistake between our faces and the mirror; we can't see what we're capable of being. You can ask forgiveness of others, but in the end the real forgiveness is in one's own self. I think that young men and women are so caught by the way they see themselves. Now mind you. When a larger society sees them as unattractive, as threats, as too black or too white or too poor or too fat or too thin or too sexual or too asexual, that's rough. But you can overcome that. The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. If we don't have that we never grow, we never learn, and sure as hell we should never teach.”
― Maya Angelou
― Maya Angelou
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”
― Siddhārtha Gautama
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Hola Amigos! This is going to be really short today, but I didn't want to miss out on the most important part, being grateful...today, so far, I am grateful for two things.
The first is those birds! Yes, they woke us up at like 6ish, but they were even singing about an hour ago and it was pouring out - they don't care they just keep making beautiful music!
The second is the fact that I can release my creative energy on something that I enjoy and that bring me such excitement, especially when completed! I love preserving memories almost as much as I love making them!
That's it - back to the book and my creative outlet....
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Friday, June 1, 2012
DAY FOUR - still grateful and getting that wheel spinning...
So, yesterday, yeah...well I went full steam until about midnight again try to get everything done. I have to say that even though I didn't get everything done on that list, I did get a lot of it done and a bunch of other things that either came up unexpected or just needed to get done.
Today, and the next few days for that matter, is going to be insane. A friend of my daughter had asked me to make a scrapbook for one of their teachers as a gift. Everything came in yesterday, although I am still waiting for pictures and notes from a handful of students, and the gift is due on Tuesday at their last concert. For any of you that scrapbook, to make an entire scrapbook from beginning to end in four days...seems like an impossible task, even moreso when you have a house, kids and a husband to tend to! I will do it however, so today is going to be short and so will the next few days.
I am motivated though and excited to keep this momentum going of just getting stuff done. While this scrapbook and my family with take up just about 100% of my time and energy over the next four days, I do plan to have some time for me...right now, I a working on evaluating the past year; what goals did I meet, what were some of the good things about it, what were some of the crappy things about it. This will help me get a clear idea as to what my goals over the next year should be. I remember this from when I did operational planning for my department at my last job. I also remember that while it's a pain in the tush to do and you pretty much want to just skip over that part and move to the planning and goal setting, if you do you are cheating yourself because it's a necessary component of the whole process.
Before I head off to conquer the world (of scrapbooking!), I want to try to keep the momentum of being grateful. So today I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine and that bird that has chirped and tweeted for the past month or so - all...day...long! No seriously, I am grateful for that bird! He/she has helped me be more aware of all of the other birds singing their heart out and not caring who is paying attention.
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
Today, and the next few days for that matter, is going to be insane. A friend of my daughter had asked me to make a scrapbook for one of their teachers as a gift. Everything came in yesterday, although I am still waiting for pictures and notes from a handful of students, and the gift is due on Tuesday at their last concert. For any of you that scrapbook, to make an entire scrapbook from beginning to end in four days...seems like an impossible task, even moreso when you have a house, kids and a husband to tend to! I will do it however, so today is going to be short and so will the next few days.
I am motivated though and excited to keep this momentum going of just getting stuff done. While this scrapbook and my family with take up just about 100% of my time and energy over the next four days, I do plan to have some time for me...right now, I a working on evaluating the past year; what goals did I meet, what were some of the good things about it, what were some of the crappy things about it. This will help me get a clear idea as to what my goals over the next year should be. I remember this from when I did operational planning for my department at my last job. I also remember that while it's a pain in the tush to do and you pretty much want to just skip over that part and move to the planning and goal setting, if you do you are cheating yourself because it's a necessary component of the whole process.
Before I head off to conquer the world (of scrapbooking!), I want to try to keep the momentum of being grateful. So today I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine and that bird that has chirped and tweeted for the past month or so - all...day...long! No seriously, I am grateful for that bird! He/she has helped me be more aware of all of the other birds singing their heart out and not caring who is paying attention.
Take care and remember...
Change doesn't come from the sky. It comes from human action.
~The Dalai Lama
P.S. Don't be afraid to leave me comments below! I would love your support in this challenging journey. Just make sure to keep it positive please. Thanks!
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